This is a summary of the findings of a study into the general
feasibility of using Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in
responding to disasters in Fiji. The Cash Learning Partnership
(CaLP) defines CVA as programs where cash transfers or vouchers
are provided directly to people and not to the government, in the
context of humanitarian assistance. This type of assistance is also
referred to in other documents as Cash Based Interventions, Cash
Based Assistance and Cash Transfer Programming.1
This Cash Feasibility Study is part of a series of cash and voucher
assistance (CVA) preparedness activities in Fiji. This program builds
on the regional Pacific Cash Preparedness Partnership, a partnership
between Oxfam, Save the Children and the United Nations World
Food Programme, which is focused on conducting a series of
feasibility studies across Vanuatu, Fiji and Solomon Islands in
order to increase awareness, capacity and expertise in cash
programming in the Pacific Islands.